Released Date: 18 July 2024

General Changes

  1. Updated legacy FCM api to latest HTTP api for android app push notification
  2. Examination print marksheet watermark text removed
  3. Promote Students Select all checkbox added
  4. Issue Book, dropdown updated to searchable dropdown for search book
  5. Examination exam list order by exam id descending order

Bug Fixes

  1. Edit subject issue
  2. Stripe static currency sign ($) issue
  3. Add chat staff and student image display issue
  4. Online exam descriptive type answer issue
  5. February month end date display issue
  6. Add fees date picker header display issue
  7. Send SMS library issue
  8. Student search list change (100 to all) datatable issue
  9. Balance Fees Statement, Transport Fees display issue
  10. Print issue in generate certificate
  11. Print marksheet landscape/portrait issue
  12. Toyyibpay payment gateway issue
  13. Chat sidebar issue in high resolution 1. Class time table mobile view responsive issue
  14. At some pages date picker issue
  15. Student profile fees tab fine amount calculation issue
  16. Teachers rating page issue
  17. Print id card issue
  18. Fees collection report, group by filter total amount calculation issue
  19. If due date not submitted at some places like add fees page error occurring issue