To student's attendance, go to Student Information > Student Details. Here select student’s Class, Section or Search By Keyword and click Search button. Here you can view students' lists will be open in below. Now click on the students' View option showing in the action column or click on student name, student profile will be open, now click on the "Attendance" tab. Here you can view the student yearly attendance.

In attendance tab you can view whole year attendance from 1st to 31st and April to March. You can view every month’s attendance on a single page. You can view Total Present, Total Late, Total Absent, Total Half Day and Total Holiday. when student will be Present then it will show P, when student is Late With Excuse then it will show E, when student is Late then it will show L, when student is Absent then it will show A, when student is in Holiday then it will show H, when student is in Half Day then it will show F. You can view every attendance related detail in the attendance tab.