To add vehicles, go to Transport > Vehicles. Vehicle list will be open.

Here you can see the vehicle list, Now click on +Add button for add new vehicle, add vehicle model will be open, in this model you need to fill the all details of vehicle as Vehicle Number, Vehicle Model, Year Made, Registration Number, Chassis Number, Max Seating Capacity, Driver Name, Driver Licence, Driver Contact, Vehicle Photo and Note if any about the vehicle then click on Save button.
You can see this added vehicle details in the Vehicle List and in action column you can see view, edit and delete option available, by click on view icon you can see the all vehicle details.
To edit vehicle click on the Edit icon showing in vehicle list Action column edit model will be open, now you can update the vehicle details then click on save button, details will be update successfully.

To delete the vehicle from the vehicle list, click on the Delete icon showing in the vehicle list Action column, confirmation model will be open then click on Ok button, vehicle will be deleted from the vehicle list.