The course is available for purchase by guests. Other users can also buy the online course. To purchase the online course, go to the online course and add it to your card of choice. Before logging in, click on the "cart" icon at the top right side of the screen.
When you click on it, a pop-up window appears, here you can view the "delete" option. You can delete items from the cart here, and you can view them by Go To Cart option and clicking on them.
If you don’t delete the items and click on the "go to cart" option.
Here you can delete the courses that were added to your cart.
You can see the Continue Shopping option here, click on it if you want to add more items or continue shopping.
Here you can view proceed to checkout option. When you click on it, you can see Login pop-up window.
Here if visitors don’t have login details, they can sign up by entering their name, email address, and password, then clicking sign up.
Now click on Proceed To checkout, click Pay with card.
Enter your email address, card number, MM/YY, and CVC, and finally click the "Pay" button. To follow this procedure, a guest user can purchase course materials.