
About Hostel

This module is used to maintain entire hostel record including Hostel room, Rooms type, cost of bed, single/double bed and many more. The hostel can assign to student at the time of admission. Hostel Module Workflow: First we have to add hostel then room type and then hostel rooms and check the hostel report and student can also check the hostel rooms.
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How to Add Hostel?

To add hostel, go to Hostel > Hostel. Here enter the Hostel Name, select the Hostel Type and enter Address, Intake and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Hostel List present on the right side of the page. To edit hostel click on the Edit icon present in the hostel list and to delete the hostel click on the Delete icon present in the hostel list.
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How to Add Room Type?

To add room type, go to Hostel > Room Type then enter Room type and Description and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Room Type List  on the right side of the page.To edit room type click on the Edit icon and to delete the room type click on the Delete icon present in the room type list.
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How to Add Hostel Rooms?

To add hostel room, go to Hostel > Hostel Rooms, enter the Room Number/Name, select the Hostel, Room Type and enter Number Of Bed, Cost Per Bed and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Hostel Room List present on the right side of the page.To edit hostel room click on the Edit icon present in the hostel room list and to delete the hostel room click on the Delete icon present in the hostel room list.
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How to check Hostel Report?

To check hostel report, go to Report > Hostel, Now select Class, Section, Hostel Name and then click on Search button. The list of searched records will be shown in the below of the page.
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How student can view Hostel Rooms?

After login from student panel, go to sidebar menu and follow Hostel Room link, here student can see all hostel rooms. You can search any Hostel by entering Hostel, Room Type, Room Number/Name, Number of Bed, Status and Cost Per Bed.
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