Getting Started
General Overview
Before start using Smart School consider a general scenario of typical school of class 1 to 12th, each classes have sections like Section A, Section B. There will various subjects for different classes like some subjects are theory and some are practical. Exams are created using these subjects and classes. Students enter in classes by new admission or promoted by their previous class after successful passing of previous class. During course of student we will charge fees to students and
Read MoreConfigure Smart School To Use In Local LAN Network
If you have hosted Smart School on your local server and want to use in local LAN (Local Area Network) network then your Smart School hosting machine should have static ip address (not be dynamic assigned by your modem DHCP). Here suppose your server hosting machine have ip address then when you are installing Smart School you should type not localhost/myschool/ in browser address bar otherwise you cannot access Smart School from other computers in your LAN and
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