You can also download sample CSV file by clicking Download icon present at the top right corner of the model.

Once sample CSV file is downloaded please follow all the instruction given in the sample CSV file. In the following step we are providing an overview so you can easily understand what to fill in which field
question type - singlechoice, multichoice, true_false, descriptive (any one)
level - high, low, medium (any one)
question- your question
opt_a - Your option a
opt_b - Your option a
opt_c- Your option c
opt_d - Your option d
opt_e - Your option e
correct - opt_a, opt_b, opt_c, opt_d (choose any one if question type is not multichoice)
for true false - true or false
for multichoice - ["opt_b","opt_c"]

Note -
1. If format instruction not show in downloaded sample csv file and open it using MS Ofice Excel so we will suggust you that please open sample csv file on Notepad++ or any other text editor and read the instruction carefully and then enter question in csv file.
2. When you open sample csv file on Notepad++ or any other text editor, it will may add extra double quote in your answer option ([""opt_b"",""opt_c""]) , so please remove these extra double quote before importing csv file and import it in actual format (["opt_b","opt_c"]).

After uploading the csv file, the number of questions successfully imported will be displayed on the screen.