Smart School Android App

Get always connected to your Smart School.

Ver. 4.0

We would like to thank you for purchasing Smart School Android App! We are very pleased you have chosen Smart School for your institution, you will not be disappointed! Before you get started, please be sure to always check out these documentation files. We outline all kinds of good information, and provide you with all the details you need to use Smart School Android App.

If you are unable to find your answer here in our documentation. If you are unable to find it anywhere, then please go our Support section and open a new Support Ticket with all the details we need. Please be sure to include your site URL as well. Thank you, we hope you enjoy using Smart School Android App!

Help & Support

System Requirements

Using Smart School Android App, you must have running Smart School version 7.0.0 on your online server with domain or subdomain or ip address. Smart School Android App fetches Smart School data through Smart School Api so before using app you must install Smart School Api on your same hosting server at any place with domain or subdomain or ip address. Your web server must be running PHP 8.1 to higher and MYSQL 5.5 or higher (MYSQL 8 supported). We have tested it with Windows, Mac and Linux but for optimum performance we will recommend to use Linux with Apache webserver. Below are a list of items you should ensure your host can comply with.

  • Smart School version 7.0.0
  • PHP 8.1 to higher
  • MYSQL 5.5 or higher (MYSQL 8 supported)
  • mod_rewrite Apache
  • HTTP_AUTHORIZATION HTTP Authorization header enabled

Smart School Android App has been built and tested for following specifications -

  • Android Version 9 - 13
  • Android API level 34
  • Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1
  • Gradle Version 8.2
  • Gradle JDK Version 1.8

Smart School Android App Installation & Configuration

Smart School Android App can be install and configure in following 4 steps -

Step 1 - Smart School version 7.0.0 up and running

Initially your Smart School version 7.0.0 should be up and running and must be registered with your Envato Market Purchase Code. There should be atleast one student available for login through mobile app. If you have yet not installed Smart School then check Smart School documentation in Smart School downloaded package. Here in this documentation we assume Smart School version 7.0.0 is installed at base_url


Step 2 - Installing Smart School Api

Smart School Api is built on PHP Codeigniter. Its HTTP based api which sends and receives data in JSON format. Smart School Api is a middleware which provides communication between Smart School Android App and Smart School. Smart School Android App cannot directly interact with your Smart School so it require Smart School Api which fetches Smart School data and send to Smart School Android App.

In your Smart School Android App downloaded package from codecanyon, you can find folder smart_school_api_src which contains Smart School Api code files. To install Smart School Api on your server first create a folder with name api under your Smart School installation folder on your server. Now just copy all files under smart_school_api_src folder and paste in your Smart School api folder. Now further we need to edit two configuration files.


1. Enter your Smart School Api url in \application\config\config.php file base_url. So Smart School Android App can fetch data from Smart School Api.


2. Enter your Smart School version 7.0.0 database details in \application\config\database.php file for hostname, username, password, database. So Smart School Api can fetch data from Smart School.


At this point we have installed and configured Smart School Api.

Step 3 - Smart School version7.0.0 configuration

In Smart School login to superadmin and go to System Settings > General Setting here in Mobile App Api URL enter Smart School Api url. If you want to make changes in Smart School Android App colors then enter your desired color code in Mobile App Primary Color Code and Mobile App Secondary Color Code then click on Save button.

Register Your Android App using Smart School Android App you must first register your Smart School Android App envato purchase code otherwise in android app you will get error message of "You are using unregister version". To register your Smart School Android App just click on Register Your Android App button and follow the instructions. After clicking on Save button once logout and then relogin.


After registering your Smart School Android App envato purchase code, Register Your Android App button will disappear that means Smart School Android App envato purchase code has been registered now. You can register your Smart School Android App regular licence envato purchase code only once with your Smart School base URL further if you want to change your base URL then please contact to support.


To change Smart School Android App logo click on Update button to upload your logo.


At this point we have configured Smart School also and ready to login to our Smart School Android App.

Step 4 - Smart School Android App Installation and Login

Smart School Android App comes with ready to use, you just have to install Smart School Android App apk file in your android mobile or tab and then enter your Smart School version 7.0.0 base_url and it will start fetching data then you can login to student or parent username / password. Smart School Android App apk file is present in your downloaded package under smart_school_android_app_apk folder as smart-school-android-app-4.0.apk file. Just copy this file in your android mobile or tab and install it. Smart School Android App supports Android 4.4+ versions.



In Smart School Android App at login screen there is a link for Privacy Policy page which pointing to your Smart School base_url/privacy-policy/index.html . So to make Privacy Policy link working you must upload a index.html file at your Smart School installation folder and enter your privacy policy details in this html file. Privacy Policy is mandatory if you are uploading your Smart School Android App on Google Play Store.


Smart School Android App distribution to Students or Parents

You can distribute Smart School Android App to your student or parent users by two ways -

1. Just upload smart-school-android-app-4.0.apk file on your Smart School hosting directory and give direct link to your student or parent users. It will no require to make any changes or rebuild of smart-school-android-app-4.0.apk file.

2. Rebuild Smart School Android App with your school name, Google firebase id and package name then upload it on Google Paly Store and tell you student or parent users to download your school name android app from Google Play Store. But this will require to make change in Smart School Android App code and rebuild it on Android Studio. For this you can hire any Android developer or you can hire us but it will be chargeable.

To change default Google firebase id open to file \application\libraries\Pushnotification.php in Smart School version 7.0.0 and change value of public $API_ACCESS_KEY .


To change default app name Smart School to your own school name open \smart_school_android_app_src\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml file and change app_name value.


Great! You have successfully installed, configured and distributed Smart School Android App now.

Note: In Smart School Andrdid App after login to student or parent if you are getting Unable to get response from api message then there is chance that your hosting server is not complaint to host standard http based api application and HTTP_AUTHORIZATION HTTP Authorization header is not enabled in your hosting (leading hosting providers like hostgator, godaddy are complaint to for standard http api hosting) in this case please contact to your hosting provider to fix this issue or contact to our support by open Support Ticket .

If you need help for installation and configuration, do not hesitate to open Support Ticket

Smart School Android App supports multiple languages

Smart School Android App default language is English which language string file is \smart_school_android_app_src\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml . Apart from English there is one Hindi language file is also supplied which language string file is \smart_school_android_app_src\app\src\main\res\values-hi\strings.xml


To add your own language in Smart School Android App e.g. we want to add French language then create a values-fr (values-your language iso 2 digit short code can be check at Smart School admin panel System Settings > languages > Code) folder under \smart_school_android_app_src\app\src\main\res folder. Then copy English language string file \smart_school_android_app_src\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml in values-fr folder. Now change English values to your French language strings in \smart_school_android_app_src\app\src\main\res\values-fr\strings.xml file. That’s it. Now when you change or make active French language from Smart School admin panel it will be change in Smart School Android App also.


Smart School Android App Changelog for version 4.0

Please check changelog online at

Free Help & Support

All of our items come with free support, and we have a Dedicated Support Ticket System to handle your requests. Support is limited to questions regarding the code features, bugs or problems with the application. We are not able to provide support for code customizations or third-party plugins. If you need help with anything other than minor customizations of your code then you should enlist the help of a developer or our customization service.

Please mention your Codecanyon Purchase Code with your support ticket.

Go to Support Portal

Thank you once again for the purchase!

Once again, thank you to trust on Smart School Android App. We will be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this application. No guarantees, but we will do best to assist.

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